Rant Rave and Blog

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Rockstar INXS

I don't think many out there watch rockstar INXS, but it is a really good show. The singers on this show are phenomenal. They started with 15 or 16 singers and are now down to 5. Any week anyone could get voted off because all the singers are just that good, there are no weak links. But here is the reason it is making a debut on my blog.

Last week Ty Taylor, truely a good if not great singer, was eliminated. And after being eliminated he eluded to the fact that he was eliminated based on race...WTF. Why is it anytime anything happens to someone it is not because of some thing they did, but because of someone else. Everybody always wants to blame someone else for something they are responsible for. Ty was eliminated because his song was the weakest, not because he is black. He is basically saying that the only reason the people that weren't elimated are still there is because they are white, not because they can sing or anything. I am so sick of people always trying to find someone to blame for things. Why can't it just be he was eliminated because he didn't have the best night? I am so sick of this bullshit.

I think next time I get a speeding ticket or pulled over I am going to say it is because I am white, or maybe because I have facial hair, no wait it's because the cop didn't like me. It couldn't possibly because I did some wrong.


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