Rant Rave and Blog

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I have taken karate since I was 6 years old. That means I have taken it a LONG time, 27 years to be exact. And as some of you may know, I am very opinionated. Also for taking Karate (tang soo do) for 27 years I am a relatively low belt, only a 2nd degree black belt. I know more than 2nd degree level, but I don't really believe in taking tests to prove you know something. And belt level really isn't that important to me, which may be part of the problem that I am about the RANT about.

Tonight after class a higher ranking student came over to me and asked if he could ask me a question. So I said sure thinking he was going to ask me a question. NOPE! Instead he begins to tell me something I guess I was doing wrong in a staff form. It was a little thing and I don't really think I do what he said he saw me do. But here is my problem:
1) Why ask if you can ask me a question if you aren't going to ask me a question?
2) Why wasn't he doing the form instead of watching me?
3) Why wasn't he doing many of the exercises we were doing in class, maybe that is why I was tired and maybe made the mistake and he wasn't
4) Please don't sprout of theological crap for why things are done. Hell they change the way things are done constantly. Which is fine, I understand revolution.
5) Excuse me buddy but I have been a black belt longer than you have been taking karate.

OK i guess that is the end of my RANT. Just a little frustrated I guess, and I guess I should thank him for taking interest in helping me, but nah! That just wouldn't be me.


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