Rant Rave and Blog

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Worst Parent

I am the worst parent in the world or at least that is how i felt last night. Mack and I went to walmart last night to pick up something for the wife, no it wasn't a feminine product. Well I put Mack in the cart, but she wanted to sit in the front. That is where I would want to sit if I had to ride in a cart so I said sure. I know there are warnings on the cart about the front being an unsafe place, but I did not heed these warnings. So half way through the store Mack decides she is going to go Titanic on me and ride like Kate Winslet in the movie(see picture). Just then a little girl ran out in front of me and I hit the brakes. As you can imaginge Mack was not ready for this momentum change and like Newton's Law of Inertia an object(Mack) in motion will remain in motion, even when the cart stopped. So Mack did a complete flip out of the cart onto the floor at WalMart. She landed flat on her back and hit her head. I ran around the cart and scooped her up. I felt like the biggest loser, but not the kind on the TV show. Mack cried for about 2 minutes as a lump formed on her head. The lump made me feel even worse than I already felt. So we picked up what we came for and left. All the way home Mack kept saying and I quote "I not hurt daddy, why you hurt Kenzie?" (She refers to herself as Kenzie). I kept apologizing all the way home. Mack is fine, we checked her pupils and they were responding to light, so the wife and I thought it safe to let her go to bed. As of this morning her lump went down and she was i her usual chipper mood. But I still feel like the worst parent in the world.


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