Rant Rave and Blog

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Well, well.....

...it looks like Jackson not eating was not the result of his obese parents trying to shove food down his throat. We went back to the doctor's office this week for Jackson and Mackenzie's yearly check-ups, Jackson's 1 yr. old and Mack's 3 yr. old. We saw a different doctor this time and while he was checking out Jackson it turns out the reason he has been cranky and not eating is because he has fluid in his right ear. Hmm....what do you know about that? I guess not all obese parents try to cram food down their kid's throats. Eat that dr. o'brien, or would that be too filling for you?
Other than that it was a normal annual check-up, Jack got shots which he didn't like and Mack was the most well behaved child I have ever seen, yes our Mack. I think I am going to start wearing White Lab Coats at home and see if that was the reason she was behaving.


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