Give me a break!
Ok certain goverment agency's are going too far. The health department in NYC wants to ban trans fats. They are comparing it to the ban of smoking in restaurants. I will give them the fact that both are unhealthy, but the reason for the ban on smoking was that it affected others than those that smoke (2nd hand smoke). I don't think you are going to get fat by being around me while I eat a donut, unless it looks so good you go get your own. Give me a breka people, if you don't want to eat fatty foods FINE! but some of us like things like french fries and donuts. And people who claim not to know that these foods are bad for you are idiots. And any judge that lets a case in front of them of such stupid merits is also an idiot. The bottom line is my fat isn't hurting you, so let me eat it.
Was the title intentional? Because what better illustrates the dangers of second-hand trans-fat than me having to eat a piece of that Kit-Kat bar you broke off for me? Second-hand trans-fat is SERIOUS.
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