Rant Rave and Blog

Thursday, April 17, 2008


The other day I was in a car accident. It happened on Camp Betty Washington Rd. There are 3 lanes at the stop light there. Lanes 1 and 2 are left turn only lanes and lane 3 is a straight or right turn lane. I was sitting at the stop light about 6 cars back waiting for the green so I could go. Finally I got the green arrows. I start to go when all of the sudden a person in the straight/right turn lane cuts in front of me. We hit each other, my headlights hit in front of the drivers side door. WTF! Then he yells at me? I am not sure what he yelled but when we pulled into the parking lot he apologized. No biggie i thought. We exchanged insurance information and we were on our way. I call GEICO, my insurance company and tell them what happened. It turns out the other guy had already called and told them a slightly different story. They agree that this is not my fault.

Now today State Farm calls me and asks for my side of the story. I again tell them what happened. Now they tell me this guy is saying that I crossed a double yellow line and ran into him after he was already in the lane. What?! I never crossed a double yellow line. I was in the second lane, how could I have crossed a double yellow line. And he says he has pictures of my skid marks. Skid marks I was going all of 10 mph if that. I tell this to State Farm and now they say they are going to send out their investigative unit.

I can't believe this guy. Not only is he lieing, he changed the whole configuration of the road. Man I am pissed now. If anyone out there knows anything about this crap and can tell me anything useful or anything please let me know.


At 9:59 AM, Blogger Mr. Ulsh said...

Its sad that its not safe to assume people are honest. I'm tellin you, we'll go break his knee caps; just point us in the right direction.


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