More DeJaun news
Last night I told Mackenzie it was time to go to bed. She said she was going to kill me if I made her go to bed. I asked her to repeat herself a couple of times to make sure I heard her right. I then asked her if she knew what she was saying. She said no but that's what DeJaun says. I asked her when he said this, she said a long time ago, so I am guessing it was before when they were talking about guns. I then explained what to kill means. I told her it means I would go away and she would never see me again, ever. At this point she started to cry, she didn't want me to go away. I said then you can't kill people. I told her guns were bad and that killing was bad. I also told her if DeJaun or anyone ever spoke to her about guns and killing people to tell them guns are bad and then go tell a teacher. Later that night I asked her what she was going to do if any spoke to her about guns and she said they were bad and she was going to go tell her teacher. I told her good and that I am proud of her for remembering.
This morning when I dropped Mackenzie off I noticed DeJaun now has a what i assume to be some sort of social worker following him around school as he goes throughout the day. I am guessing to monitor him and help him. Sounds like a good idea, but this girl, looked to be about 20, seemed like a bitch, she was grumpy and late and when Ms. Ginny, Mack's teacher, asked her if she was supposed to be in the meeting she said it didn't matter if she went. i didn't know what meeting Ms. Ginny was talking about until I left. As I left I noticed this Social Worker person going into the Library where I saw Ms. Janice, another one of Mack's teachers, talking to DeJaun's mother and one other person I didn't recognise. So I am guessing the meeting was to discuss DeJaun and to me seems liek a leeting that person should be in.
I like DeJaun and I hope he gets the help he needs, but if the lady is anything like the impression she left with me I don't think he will.
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