Brown Follow Up
Well I went to the UPS store the other day to attmept to file a claim. However, I was told that i could not fiel the claim, that the person receiving the package had to file the claim. Doesn't really make much sense to me since I am the one who purchased the insurance. But anyway, I told the buyer that he had to fiel the claim. He also tried to but UPS says they will need to take the server and box for analysis. They are going to analyse the box? Can't they see from the picture that the box didn't make it? Anyway I am not sure what is going on now, the buyer doesn't want to be out of the money he paid me and the server that he bought, UPS says they will need to take it for a while, so I believe he is going to take the front bexel off and give that to them since that appears to be the only broken part right now.
I will post more as I learn more.
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