Rant Rave and Blog

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tribute to Schhhneider...

My last couple of days here at HDI have been a bit low key, so I have found myself with some time in between writing up instructions on how I do stuff and filling out my exit interview.

So I have come across 2 videos that remind me of my friend, ex-coworker, and soon to be co-vacation goer, B-boy Snyder. I don't really like posting other people stuff on my blog, but for Schhhneider I will. The first video is a kid who posts funny satires on youtube. And there is a line in the song that for some reason makes me think that it is something that Snyder would have actually wrote or might enjoy hearing. Plus the title of the song goes with my last post. Let me know if you picked out the line.

The line is "I've been doing drive by's all of my life, except the bullets are newspapers and the car is my bike"

The second video is just one I thought he might enjoy since it features his favorite player. Plus I like the song even if I am not the biggest Jay Z fan.

If you find another line amusing please let me know what it is. Or let me know if you agree that it is a Snyder like line.


At 12:33 AM, Blogger Brett said...

I don't know what's more impressive... rejecting Jay Humphries or dunking on Kenny Gattison. You can never go wrong with Pip clips, but the song choice didn't quite match.

Now as for that first guy... c'mon, I don't really talk like that do I? I mean, it's a little blue wouldn't you say? Plus, I would certainly have worn pants.

Nevertheless, 2 entertaining videos.

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Old Man Kirby said...

It's not that you talk like him or dress like him or anything, but I can see you saying that line. Here's a little image I created for you Click it


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