A Moment of Silence
Yesterday after lunch I receive a call from Allison, my wife, she is cry and very upset. She then tells me she hit a dog and didn't know what to do. She said that she was driving up the street and hit something and when she looked in the rear view mirror she wasn't sure what it was, so she turned around to see what it was. But when she arrived, it turned out it was a dog that she hit and it was definitely dead, i won't provide any more details about the condition, but it was dead.
She was very upset and didn't know what to do next. I asked her if it had a collar she said it did, but didn't want to go near the dog. I asked her where she was and she said on our street. I said you hit a neighbors dog? Yup. And the owner's boyfriend was right there. It's not that she was trying to dodge any responsibility, but she just didn't know what to do next. Do you call the police, your insurance agent, should she pick up the dog and take it to the owner? And to be honest I really didn't know what she should do next. The owners boyfriend apparently came over and got the dog and put it on the sidewalk. The owner soon came home, Allison went over to apologize to the owner and express her sympathy, but the owner didn't want to talk. So Allison gave her our phone number and name.
Now I would say Allison did everything right. She didn't drive off, she apologized, she gave the owners our contact information. So my question to you is....what would you have done? Allison wasn't speeding up the road, she didn't even see the dog until it was in her rear view mirror. From what I have gathered the dog ran out the door, ran in front of a car parked along the side of the street and then in front of Allison's car.
In my opinion the owner is just as at fault, if not more, as Allison. She was not speeding, not on the cell phone, the radio wasn't even on, it was just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And now Allison is afraid to drive up our own street. And Mackenzie, who was also in car, doesn't want to drive the place where "mommy hit the dog". Am I write in saying that it was just an accident and these things happen. It was a terrible thing, but it was an accident and honestly if the dog was going to leave the property the owners should have put it on a leash. Please let me know what you think.......
I think your wife did everything right on. Unfortunately accidents happen and it sux that your daughter had to experience that. I seem to remember a lot of things (pets, people, houses) getting hit by cars growin up.
Sean, it is a horrible accident. I love dogs and think Allison did everything right...everything she could have done after the accident.
I feel horrible for her and your daughter. I hope everything can be resolved amicably and all parties can heal and move forward.
And the owners can learn from this terrible experience.
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