The blame game....
My deepest thoughts go out to the students at VA Tech. It is a very sad event without any doubt. However, I am tired of people always looking for a scape goat or someone to blame. Last night after watching the news it appears eveyone is trying to blame the school for the shooting. it was.......They didn't do this right, they didn't do that right.
I have an idea.....i know it may be far fetched, but I will put it out there anyway. How about we blame the person who pulled the trigger, you know the guy who actually shot the people. I am sick and tired of people always looking to blame everyone, but the person who actually committed the crime.
Sure the school could have done this or that, but it is not really a situation people prepare for nor do i think they should prepare for. What are they going to do put metal detectors in front of every entrance? Frisk people as they walk around on campus?
I can relate to what the people at VA Tech are going through, albeit on a smaller scale. When I was at Penn State there was a shooting on campus. A student named Jillian Robbins decided she was going to sit under a tree and just pick people off in the HUB lawn. It was a tragic event, but not one the school could have prevented.
If people want their freedom and I assume they do, then this type of stuff will happen. It is sad that it does happen, but that is part of the price of freedom. Unless you want to walk around in a military state this type of stuff will continue to happen. It is very sad, but that is the way it is.
Don't blame the school, when it happened at Penn State we weren't even sent an email. I only found out because of the media. Blame the person who shot the people.
Labels: Penn State, shooting
We don't necessarily need a military state - how about just no one be allowed to have guns?
I don't know, I am just anti-gun.
The problem with no one being allowed to have guns is, the only people that law or any gun control law affects are the people who follow the law. People who don't follow the law, "Bad Guys", don't really care if they are allowed to have guns.
I am not pro gun, but I really don't think gun control laws work. I don't have a gun, don't want a gun, but I just don't believe gun control laws do any good.
I see your point and I don't disagree that "bad guys" will still find a way to get a gun if they try hard enough. I just wish more people were like you and I - don't want a gun, don't need a gun.
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