Rant Rave and Blog

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My first......

Yesterday I bought my first game console...ever. I have never been much of a "gamer" or anything, never had a game console growing up, except the Atari 2600 back in the early 80's.

So recently, meaning the last year or so, I have been wanting a game console. But I couldn't decide which one to get. The PS3 had all this hype, the xbox 360 had good games and graphics, and no one really thought the wii would stay around. Well I have finally come to my conclusion. I have decided to go with the Nintendo Wii, for a couple of reasons.
1) Family Appeal - I have a wife and 2 young kids(2 & 4 almost). The Wii looked like it could be used by the entire family
2) Commercials - the commercials for the Wii make it look more fun for the family and make the device look fun to play
3) Price - it is the cheapest of the 3
4) Games - it looks to have more games available
5) Play - it looks like there is more to playing a game than mashing some buttons

So those are my top 5 reasons I decided to go with the Wii. The console should arrive this week, I hope, it was being sent from Illinois this morning. I will give you a review once I get it and start playing.


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Chuck said...

First of all. Did you buy this off eBay?

I played the Wii. Specifically bowling. I liked the combination of physical and non-physical play with the wireless controllers.

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Old Man Kirby said...

Yes I bought it off of ebay, the rip off joint if you are going to sell anything. But buying is ok. LOL

At 3:24 PM, Blogger Todd said...

Did you try craigslist?

Regardless, you and your entire family will love the Wii. It is very fun. Tennis is my favorite.


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