I was driving behind someone the other day, a smoker, when they decided they were done with their cigarette and threw it out the window. Now my question is why don't smokers consider this littering. When I am done with my water bottle I don't throw it out the window, or when I finish changing my son's diaper I don't just leave it there. I find a trash receptacle and put my garbage in it.
Now it's not like this is an isolated case of one smoker throwing there used up cigarette out the window, there are a bazillion cigarette butts along the road and other places. I was hoping a smoker could explain this rational please?
C'mon smokers! Tell him drinking water (out of a bottle no less) and changing diapers isn't rebellious. Rebels litter!
As a former smoker, I can tell you that I always considered that if something will disintegrate eventually when left outside then it is not littering. I always considered that eventually mother nature would take care of the cigarette butts unlike plastic. It is just like when you are hunting and poop in the woods. Eventually it will meld into the soil so this is not littering.
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