Well after weeks of trying tog et someone to come out and put up gutters, someone should be showing up today. we tried for weeks to get Rick Jackson to come out and put up gutters but would never return our calls to set up a time, oh well, his loss. So then we called Century Spouting they came right out to give us a an estimate. I asked how long it takes from when they receive the contract to get the gutters up. I was told "Oh no problem, pretty much right away". Well apparently right away to Century Spouting means 2 weeks. Long than I wanted, but a hell of alot quicker than Rick Jackson. So I guess we will see tonight if we actually have gutters or not. I will keep you updated.
Ok I am going into the spouting business. Apparently you don't need to call your customers back in a timely manner (Rick Jackson), your definition of right away is 2 weeks(Century Spouting), and if it turns out to be a nice day you can say they wind gusts are too much(Century Spouting). In case any one is wondering it is a normal Fall day, no windier than any other fall day. I am afraid that if they concider today too windy then we may not get our gutters til next spring. What a crock of...
Welcome to the world of contractors, where business etiquette, reliability and one's word are just thrown out the window.
You should have bought a book and done it yourself. It has to be easier that tearing off and putting on a whole roof!
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