Rant Rave and Blog

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

No candy?

Well this is the second time I have written this because I decided to spell check the original and somehow everything got deleted. so anyway here you go:

Last night the wife, kids and myself went to the Mechanicsburg Halloween Parade. She had heard about it on the radio and we decided to go. Halloween is my wife's favorite holiday right after her birthday. So we try to go to as many Halloween Parades as possible.

So we get to Mechanicsburg, find the Parade route and then find a nice spot to sit. The parade is set to start at 7pm, and around 7:15pm we see the first vehicle. Since it's a Halloween Parade we brought my daughter's bucket with us to store the candy they throw at you. Well were we in for a disappointing evening. About 1/2 an hour into the parade I look in my daughter's bucket and see 4 pieces of candy...yup 4 whole pieces. Give me a break what kind of Halloween Parade is this? No one pelting us with candy, what is the point? I expect to be pelted with candy at Halloween Parades not have to chase down people in order to get some candy. The wife and I couldn't figure out why there wasn't more candy, I speculated that it was because the people who put on the parade didn't want to clean up the left over candy. It had to be that or the participants are just that freaking cheap.

Well today I decided to see if i could figure out the reason, and I did. I looked at the registration form for the parade and i clearly states that candy is not allowed to be thrown from vehicles. WHAT KIND OF CRAP is that? Isn't that the reason for a Halloween Parade? What the point unless it is to collect candy?

Well we won't be attending this parade next year, but we still have many more local parades to go to this year. I will let you know how these parades fare against the Mechanicsburg Halloween Parade. But please let me tell you again...DON"T GO TO THE MECHANICSBURG HALLOWEEN PARADE!!!! It sucks!


At 12:05 PM, Blogger Todd said...

Having lived in Mechanicsburg for 2 years, I can vouch on your account of their Halloween parade's sucktitude. Their Jubilee Day isn't bad, though.

Try the Lititz Halloween Parade. My hometown comes through with a significant amount of candy. And Lititz is home to Wilbur Chocolate. Plus, no wackos protesting abortion.

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Chuck said...

I sure hope the York Parade hands out candy. Wonder if the anti-abortion float will hand out gummy fetus'?


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