Rant Rave and Blog

Friday, August 19, 2005

Kids these days......

I am not sure if it is because I am getting older or because of the kids these days, but it seems to me that people, especially kids have no respect for themselves or anyone else these days. Now I will be the first to admit that I can be short tempered at times, just ask Rich, but last night I about got into a fight with a 15ish year old girl and yelled at some younger ones. Here is the story and you can decide if I am wrong.

Last night the wife, mackenzie and the in-laws went to the Dallastown carnival, the in-laws are in town for a few days so allison thought it would be a good idea to show them the different types of people in the area, and boy were there different types of people at the carnival. Anyway so soon after we get there we all want something to eat. My wife gets her food and the inlaws food. I am tasked with getting mackenzie a hot dog. So mack and I are walking along when some 15 yr. old girl on her cell phone tramples over mack. I am expecting an "oh sorry" or "excuse me", but what did I get instead.... nothing so I shot her a dirty look, and trust me my looks are dirty, followed by a "next time watch where you are walking". She walks away with her friend and i continue on my quest for the hot dog. We get in line and who is 2 people in front of me but this girl and this time she is telling her mother about my dirty look and what I said to her. So I hear her mother say who said this too you. So me not being the bashful type piped up and said in a nice loud and clear voice "I DID!" everybody shut up after that and went on their merry way. I thought this would just be an isolated incedent of lack or respect, but I was wrong.

We now started getting on rides and mack LOVES going on rides, in the last month and 1/2 she has gone to hershey, dutch wonderland, adventureland, and now the dallastown carnival. So I am trying to teach mackenzie about stand in line and waiting for your turn, but apparently other parents don't feel the same way. While waiting in line for the dragon rollercoaster, which we later found out mackenzie was too small to ride, 3 or 4 kids just run up and push their way to the front. So again me not being the shy one, i say "hey get to the back and wait your turn" they all look at me and procede to the back of the line where they should be.

So you tell me, am I wrong? What would you have done?

My wife always asks me what is wrong with people these days and I always tell her lack of respect.

Let me know what you think.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

My wife's idea?

My wife has been on this kick lately about my hairy chest and other parts. I wonder if this event was her idea.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Apple Users......

I always thought Apple people were a different kind of person, now there is proof. Read this article about these fools. Article

Happy Birthday

Yesterday would have been my brothers 29th birthday. So I just wanted to tell him "Happy Birthday Jason"

Monday, August 15, 2005

Quote of the day

Thought this was a quote worth remembering, especially if you are planning any trips to Texas.

"I ain't threatening nobody, and I ain't pointing a gun at nobody," Mattlage said. "This is Texas." this was said by a guy who shot his gun while a group of anti-war people were holding a religious service. Here is the full article

Friday, August 12, 2005

Surprise Party

I am thinking about throwing a Surprise Coming Out Party for a friend I work with, I won't out him yet, but his name sounds like Gosh, but it begins with a "J". Has anybody out there ever thrown a Surprise Coming Out Party. I think the biggest obstacle I am going to face is that he doesn't know he is Gay yet. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.

Fucking Idiots

OK this guy I work with, let's call him for the sake of the story umm......Josh, get's this new Infinity G35 Coupe. He gets this car and doesn't let any of his co-workers drive it. But today a chick comes in and he offers to let her drive the car. Now I have asked Josh over for dinner before, made him dinner at least once and offered to help at other times. I have asked to drive his car once or twice and his answer has always been no. So can you believe this fuck let's a girl, let's call her Amanda for the story, drive his brand new car and has never once offered to let me drive it. As it turns out he let's girls drive his car, but not boys. What kind of shit is that. Some people will let girls walk all over them because in the back of their mind they think they may get laid or something, fucking idiots.

Like the other sheep

OK well since everyone else in the world has a blog I guess I will start one too. I don't want to be the last person on earth to have one, so here is my start.

Unfotunately I don't really have anything to blog about right now.