Rant Rave and Blog

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Pissed Off Times 2

As you can probably tell from my previous blogs, I am a little short on patience. But last night and this morning 2 things really set me off and I think they probably would you too.

The family and myself went down to 34th street, in baltimore, last night. After we saw all the lights, and there are lots to see, we left and started on our way back home. Just then my daughter decides she wants some chicken. I see a McDonald's and we procede to the drive through, what a mistake that turned out to be. Let me show you the dialog that took please.
After about 3-4 minutes of waiting at the location where you place your order I finally hear.
DTO (Drive Thru Operator) - "Welcome to McDonald's can I take your order please"
Me - "Yes, can I please have a 4 piece chicken nugget, apple juice and a small coke"
DTO- "That was a 4 piece chicken nugget, and a small coke?"
Me - "and an apple juice please"
DTO - "OK so you want a 4 piece chicken nugget, apple juice and a small fry?"
--- at this point I am getting frustrated so my wife takes over. ---
Wife - "No we want a 4 piece chicken nugget, apple juice and a small coke."
DTO - "OK that's $3.15 please pull around to the second window."
--- now i don't know if she got my order right or not, but we attempt to pull around to the second window anyway ---
After about 15 minutes of waiting we finally reach the second window. The DTO gives me my coke then gabs some with her fellow employees. She then gives me my apple juice and again gabs. I then give her my money, $5.15, and she actually gives me the correct change. She thanks me and again starts the gabbing. If you haven't noticed I still have not gotten my chicken nuggets. So I say "Hello" loud enough so she can hear me over her gabbing. I ask for my nuggets which are sitting right next to her. She finally understands what I want and asks if I want any sauce with them. I politely, or at least as politely as you can, say "No, just give me my fucking nuggets". This turns out not to be the best choice of words. She says "You don't have to swear at me" so I in turn say "You don't have to make me wait so long for my food, now just give my nuggets" She gives me my nuggets and I drive off while she is still tlaking. Now I know I have little patience, but come on 20+ minutes for fast food? Where is the fast part?

Part 2 of the night/morning.
My job requires me from time to time to come in between 2am and 6am, this morning was one of those times. I get in to work around 1:45am. I come into the office to get the hardware I need. I leave the office about 2:10am. As I am leaving the office a cop comes into the parking lot. As I am leaving he turns around to follow me. I drive out of our parking and head to Sheetz to get something to drink. When I get out of my car he pulls up beside me, rolls down his window and asks, "What were you doing there?" This really pisses me off, because this is the 3rd time that this has happened to me. So I explain, not very politely, " You guys always pull this shit. I work there that is what I am doing there, stop harrassing me." He says he is not harrassing me, so I tell him "You guys always give me a hard time for fucking going to work, is there nothing else you can be doing" and I just walk into the store and buy my soda. Now I expected to see him still there when I got out of the store to give me a ticket for having an expired registration, but he was so consumed in why a person could possibly be out at 2am that I guess he didn't notice that part. I understand that he is "just doing his job" but come on already, 3 times in as many months?

Anyway what would you have done in my situations?

Friday, December 16, 2005

Mack's New Trick

This morning I was awoken by my daughter coming into the room to get up daddy. I turned over to see her standing there in pink/green/yellow striped short and a Washingotn Wizards basketball jersey. I turned over the other way and asked my wife if she had dressed Mack, she said no and informed me of that this is her new trick. Apparently yesterday, I left before she woke up, she came into the room with a green/yellow striped skirt and a purple tank top. Although apparently Mack can now dress herself, he sense of taste could use some improvement. Next time this happens I will try to take a picture.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Worst Parent

I am the worst parent in the world or at least that is how i felt last night. Mack and I went to walmart last night to pick up something for the wife, no it wasn't a feminine product. Well I put Mack in the cart, but she wanted to sit in the front. That is where I would want to sit if I had to ride in a cart so I said sure. I know there are warnings on the cart about the front being an unsafe place, but I did not heed these warnings. So half way through the store Mack decides she is going to go Titanic on me and ride like Kate Winslet in the movie(see picture). Just then a little girl ran out in front of me and I hit the brakes. As you can imaginge Mack was not ready for this momentum change and like Newton's Law of Inertia an object(Mack) in motion will remain in motion, even when the cart stopped. So Mack did a complete flip out of the cart onto the floor at WalMart. She landed flat on her back and hit her head. I ran around the cart and scooped her up. I felt like the biggest loser, but not the kind on the TV show. Mack cried for about 2 minutes as a lump formed on her head. The lump made me feel even worse than I already felt. So we picked up what we came for and left. All the way home Mack kept saying and I quote "I not hurt daddy, why you hurt Kenzie?" (She refers to herself as Kenzie). I kept apologizing all the way home. Mack is fine, we checked her pupils and they were responding to light, so the wife and I thought it safe to let her go to bed. As of this morning her lump went down and she was i her usual chipper mood. But I still feel like the worst parent in the world.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Smashing News

So it turns out people really are stupid, it's not just a myth, it is actually true. And here is the proof www.smashmyxbox.com . Apparently people donate money for this idiot to go buy an xbox and smash it infront of other people waiting to buy one. I am not sure who is the bigger dumb ass, the people dontaing the money or the guy who waited in line for 55 hours just to smash an xbox. But anyway, this gave me an idea. I am going to start a site called smashmyhummer.com. I will take donations from people til I have enough money to buy a Hummer H1/H2/H3, which ever I have enough money for, then I will have someone film me running it into various things. I figure I will drive it around and just randomly wreck it into stupid things. Let me know what you think and how much you will be willing to donate.

Monday, December 05, 2005

I do Poopies

My daughter has been in this potty training mode lately. The wife and myself have not pushed it or anything, but she likes to go "pee-pee on the potty" so we go with it. She has been doing very good with pee-peeing, but when it came to poops she was just not having it. She would say she had to go poops, but never really would, just a fart here and there. But this weekend we had 2 successful "poops on the potty". I am sure my daughter loves me sharing this, but I am proud of her.

Friday, December 02, 2005

OK OK already

OK I know it has been a really long time since I have last posted, but I have been very busy. My new child was born on September 15th. It's a BOY..Jackson Christopher Kirby. He is named after my brother who died in a car accident in 1993. His name was Jason Christopher Kirby, see the likeness of the name. Jackson started out as a grumpy little man, but has gotten better. He has recently been diagnosed with Acid Reflux. We were given a prescription for Zantac, but were told to try formula with rice cereal in it, but it just seems to be making it worse. So I guess I will be filling the prescription soon.

On to other stuff. Along with recently having a new baby move in with us, I also had a long time friend move in with us. Him and his wife are getting a divorce so I told him he could come live with me until he figured out what he was doing. It wasn't bad at all having him there. He stayed in the basement and had everything he needed down there, plus he could keep my wife company during the day. All seemed to be going quite well until a couple days before Thanksgiving. I got a call from his wife saying that she just got a text message from him saying he was going to kill himself (a little background info quick...he previously hanged himself due to problem with his first wife). So needless to say, I didn't take his threat lightly. I tried calling him and looking for him but couldn't find him. Around 1 am I get another call from his wife. She found him and he is alive. He was however, in his car in his garage with the car running and a note on the passenger seat. She woke him up and told him to stop being a jerk and he came back to my house. Everything seemed fine after that. So we, my wife and kids, were going to NY for Thanksgiving and I asked his wife not to fight with him while I was gone because I didn't want to come back and find him dead. She agreed. He was supposed to be moving out that weekend so I thought that would keep him busy as well. So we went away and had a good thanksgiving weekend. When we came back my wife noticed that his toothbrush and other various objects were still in the bathroom. HMMM....... So the next day I called his wife. SHe told me that she came home and found him hiding in their house. She said he hit her so she called the cops and gave them his note. I turns out he spent the weekend in the hospital because of the suicide threat. He is now out of the hospital, but he doesn't know, I know, he was in the hospital. I saw him the other day and again he seems fine. I am not sure what is going on with him. And I don't know what to do. He is living in his own appartment now, but I don't like the fact that he lives alone..... Anyway if anyone has any serious advise by all means please let me know.

And now on to the third thing that I wanted to blog about. If people love their damn animals so much why don't they take care of them. On multiple occasions I have come home to find my neighbors cat in my yard, sitting on my porch, sitting in my fence or shitting in my bushes. On one accasion he has actually come into my house. I don't fucking get it. I don't go shitting in my neighbors brushes, so i would appreciate it if they kept their damn animals out of my yard. If they loves these animals so damn much keep the fucking pet in your house or at least in your own yard. And then there are the people who don't clean their pets shit up after their pet takes a shit. Recently I went to a friends place to help him replace the battery in his car. He lives in an appartment, and has a common area that borders the parking lot. So I went to walk around to the front of the car to open the hood when I step in someone's freaking dog shit. PEOPLE pick up after your fucking animals or I am going to start carrying my sons diapers around with me and just leaning them in your yard or on your car or wherever the fuck I want to leave them. OK well I hope I can continue to keep up the blogs now that I ahve vented a little.