Rant Rave and Blog

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


In my office building there is a cafe downstairs that serves lunch and breakfast. For about the last 3 weeks every time they ask me what I want I tell them pancakes. To which they always reply we don't have pancakes. I then return with McDonald's up the street has pancakes, how come you guys don't. They never really answer me. Well guess what monday when I went down and asked for pancakes, VIOLA! they have pancakes just for me! Isn't that nice of them? I got pancakes again this morning. I do like me some pancakes.


Thursday, January 04, 2007

More DeJaun news

Last night I told Mackenzie it was time to go to bed. She said she was going to kill me if I made her go to bed. I asked her to repeat herself a couple of times to make sure I heard her right. I then asked her if she knew what she was saying. She said no but that's what DeJaun says. I asked her when he said this, she said a long time ago, so I am guessing it was before when they were talking about guns. I then explained what to kill means. I told her it means I would go away and she would never see me again, ever. At this point she started to cry, she didn't want me to go away. I said then you can't kill people. I told her guns were bad and that killing was bad. I also told her if DeJaun or anyone ever spoke to her about guns and killing people to tell them guns are bad and then go tell a teacher. Later that night I asked her what she was going to do if any spoke to her about guns and she said they were bad and she was going to go tell her teacher. I told her good and that I am proud of her for remembering.

This morning when I dropped Mackenzie off I noticed DeJaun now has a what i assume to be some sort of social worker following him around school as he goes throughout the day. I am guessing to monitor him and help him. Sounds like a good idea, but this girl, looked to be about 20, seemed like a bitch, she was grumpy and late and when Ms. Ginny, Mack's teacher, asked her if she was supposed to be in the meeting she said it didn't matter if she went. i didn't know what meeting Ms. Ginny was talking about until I left. As I left I noticed this Social Worker person going into the Library where I saw Ms. Janice, another one of Mack's teachers, talking to DeJaun's mother and one other person I didn't recognise. So I am guessing the meeting was to discuss DeJaun and to me seems liek a leeting that person should be in.

I like DeJaun and I hope he gets the help he needs, but if the lady is anything like the impression she left with me I don't think he will.


As most of you know I now work for Comcast, they purchased the company I used to work for SusCom. We yesterday I had to ship 10 servers back to 2 customers. At Suscom, I would take them to the local UPS store pack them and ship them. I would then get reimbersed for my expenses within a week or 2. Well at Comcast things work differently, much differently. To start with it takes at a minimum a month to get a expense check, although my so far have all taken at least 2 months.
So here is what happened yesterday, Rich and I unmounted the 10 servers and cleaned up some wiring at the POP. We then took half the servers to the UPS store to get packed and while they were packing those we went and picked up the other half of the servers, they wouldn't all fit in the explorer. When we got back they had 2 of the servers packed up and ready to go. I then realised the customers both gave me FedEx shipping accounts, they don't accept FedEx accounts at the UPS store..go figure. So figure ok we will take them to fedex, but fedex doesn't pack things. So we still need to get them packed up. I then call around and try to find out who is going to pay to get the servers packed. It turns out no one will pay to get the srevers packed. I am told to take them to the York Warehouse and have them pack them up and ship them out. Now neither Rich nor I know where the York Warehouse is, heck we didn't even know we had a York Warehouse. Turns out the York warehouse is the old SusCom building on King Street. So now I have to figure out how to get the servers to the York warehouse, because all 10 will not fit in the explorer at the same time. So we go to my house and get my pick up truck, all ten will fit in there easily. We get them loaded up in the truck and go to lunch then we head off to the York Warehouse where we are supposed to talk to Joan, now I have never dealt with Joan before but I am told she is not the easiest person to deal with. So I am already dreading explaining this whole thing to her. So we get to King Street and can't find joan, turns out she was not in. We are then told to talk to Tawnya, she is in the back unloading a truck right now. Great....
So we talk to Tawnya is a very nice and agreeable person. The servers are now sitting in the York warehouse waiting to be shipped. Man that was a long process.


So what did you get for Christmas.....well I got Strep Throat. Yeeee ha! We went to Long Island for Christmas, the kids loved it, Mack really likes it when she gets to see her cousins. We went out the Saturday before Christmas and came back the Tuesday after Christmas. All in all it was a good holiday. When we got back Tuesday my throat felt like it was closing, I just assumed I was getting sick, but when I woke up on Wednesday i couldn't swallow and could barely breathe. It was 7:00am and the Dr.'s office hadn't opened yet. So I ran some errands and at 8:00am called the Dr. again and made an appointment for 9:00am.
The Dr. came in and asked if I was in for my annual Sinus Infection. I told him i guess so. So he looked up my nose and no congestion there so he looked in my throat and right away ok good enough looks liek strep throat. He ran some quick scan thingy for strep and 5 minutes later it was confirmed I had strep throat. He gave me a prescription for some penicilin and I was on my way. I am feeling much better now.

Long Time No Post...

Well it has been a long time since my last posting and I have had people complain so I thought I would catch you all up on the happenings in the Kirby household. Let's see where to start......ah I have a good starting point. Let's call it a car chase.

Sometime in December around the middle of the month the wife and I were kidless, we had gone to my company Christmas party so the kids were at my mothers, well the kids were spending the night there. So after the Christmas Party we decided to go to WalMart for some stuff. After getting what we went there for we left and started on our way home. I was driving through the local Home Depot parking lot, it's a little short cut to my house, when a car with a group of college kids cut me off. I drove up along side of them to say some thing when the passenger gave me the finger and called me fat...WTF? So I yelled something else back and went straight and they turned left. I was just going to continue on my way home when I saw them again, I decided since we were kidless and really had nothing better to do I would follow them. So we drive through York and headed towards Dallastown, the town I grew up in a knew very well, I used to deliver pizzas there. Sometime between York and Dallastown they figured out we were following them and as I turns out there were actually 3 cars of kids. So we get into Dallastown when they decide to split up. One goes straight, one turns into Turkey Hill and the other goes left. I follow the one into Turkey Hill since he is the one who cut me off in the first place. I pull in beside him and he asks me if I need anything. I say "No, I know everything I need to know now." He pulls out of Turkey Hill and I follow him. He them meets up with one of the other cars. I decide to follow the other car this time. The other car goes from street to street trying to lose me, one time even pulling the ol' signal right hand turn but actually make a left. I thought that one was funny. We follow them for a little while longer until I grow bored and I turn off. However, wouldn't you know it as i am about to head home I see the other car again. So I decide to follow him again. This time I follow them and one other car til they finally just pull off to the side of the road. I just continue on and figure the night is over. I turn around in another street and start heading home, but then I decide I would see if I could just find them for the hell of it. I couldn't so we just called it a night. If anyone is interested the car that originally cut me off is a white Jeep Liberty with a license plate number of MAPLE 14 or 17 I can't remember. And it hangs out at Maple Donuts on East Market Street.