Rant Rave and Blog

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Plumbing and Heating

Why does it seem that all plumbers are also heating people as well? Am I missing something? Are my plumbing and heating systems somehow one and the same? What part of plumbing is also heating? In fact most of the time they are Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning. Does my plumbing run through my heating and A/C lines or vice versa? When I flush is there a way to turn on the A/C. I don't get it, please explain!

Just in case......

....you were wondering. My wife is still pregnant. She is now 5 LLLOOOONNNNNGGGGG days past her due date. Again if anyone has any ideas on how to speed things up please feel free to let me know.

Monday, September 12, 2005

More Kids Tales

Well the misses, my daughter and I went for a walk around our neighborhood the other night. So we are walking and we hear this screaming like someone is being murdered or something. So being the concerned citizens were are we proceded forth. And to our surprise it was a bunch of kids (about 10 of them) acting like a bunch idiots.

So relieved it wasn't a murder we continued on our walk. But these idiots just keep screaming and yelling. So as they walk past us, me being the concerned citizen, I ask if they have special needs. Their reply is "No, you do". Since this was weak rebutal, it just further supported my thoughts that a couple of them may have special needs.

So we continue our walk and as we are walking I see a lady walking towards us, apparently this is one of the kids mother, turns out is was 3 of the kids mother. So comes up to me ask asks why I called her kids retarded. I explained I didn't call them retards, I just asked if they had special needs. And offered my opinion that if they didn't, she may want to get them tested to make sure. This apparently didn't sit well with the mother. She tells me I have mental issues, i tell her she may be right, but I would still get the kids tested. Then she procedes to ask me why I approached her kids, I informed her i never approached her kids and I was just concerned. She then asks how I would like the police at my house. I tell her that would be fine, but I really can't think of why they would be there. But anyway she goes back inside with her "special" kids.

About this time Mack, my daughter, decides her back pack is coming off and needs it fixed. This just happens to be infront of the mothers house. So we stop on the sidewalk to fix Mack's backpack. Then we hear the mother scream out the window that she is going to call the cops if we dont' get off of her property. My wife politely informs her that we are on township property not hers. So we get the backpack on my daughter and continue our walk home.

About 2/3 of the way home a truck pulls up ahead of us and now the father of 3 of the kids gets out. Allison thinks he wants to fight or something. He walks up to me and gets in my face and asks what went on. He said he needed to know so he knew what corrective actions to take with his kids. I explained that I asked his kids along with 10 or so others if they had special needs. And I explained why I asked such a question. He was satisfied with the answer and left. Again we continued our walk home, the rest of the walk was pretty uneventful.

Now I know some of you are out there saying...WTF...why am I talking to bunch of 12 year olds. Well here is my answer, our neighborhood is a quiet family orientated neighborhood and I would like to keep it that way. I don't need a bunch of kids roaming the streets screaming t the top of their lungs. Now the kids live 2 streets away from me, so it doesn't bother me much, but I am sure it has to be annoying to the others tht live near them. Also in my opinion the whole reason kids are the way they are today is because parents or others don't care anymore and allow kids to get away with too much, kids (as well as other people) have no respect for each other any more. They are allowed to do what they want when they want with no or few concequences. So I am doing my part (maybe more than my part) to try to what I see is correcting this. There are also 2 other reasons, 1) I can be a bit of an asshole at times 2) they were annoying me and no one else was doing anything.

Let me know what you think, was I wrong?

Still waiting......

Well our newest edition was to be here on Friday, but to no avail the baby never came. So now we are playing a waiting game. Just waitng for the little one to make their first appearance here on earth. We have tried everything to help the child along. In fact I am now asking for help...if anyone has any suggestions or old wives tales please leave a comment and let me know.

Here are the things I know about:
Bumpy Roads
Spicey Foods

This kid is stubborn just like their sister and mother.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

One more thing

Since when is INXS some ultra Rock band? I seem to remember them being a little POP/Alternative. But maybe that is jsut me.

Rockstar INXS

I don't think many out there watch rockstar INXS, but it is a really good show. The singers on this show are phenomenal. They started with 15 or 16 singers and are now down to 5. Any week anyone could get voted off because all the singers are just that good, there are no weak links. But here is the reason it is making a debut on my blog.

Last week Ty Taylor, truely a good if not great singer, was eliminated. And after being eliminated he eluded to the fact that he was eliminated based on race...WTF. Why is it anytime anything happens to someone it is not because of some thing they did, but because of someone else. Everybody always wants to blame someone else for something they are responsible for. Ty was eliminated because his song was the weakest, not because he is black. He is basically saying that the only reason the people that weren't elimated are still there is because they are white, not because they can sing or anything. I am so sick of people always trying to find someone to blame for things. Why can't it just be he was eliminated because he didn't have the best night? I am so sick of this bullshit.

I think next time I get a speeding ticket or pulled over I am going to say it is because I am white, or maybe because I have facial hair, no wait it's because the cop didn't like me. It couldn't possibly because I did some wrong.