Rant Rave and Blog

Monday, February 27, 2006

Kevin Garnett

I am no KG fan by any shot. In fact I can't stand the cry baby. But this weekend I think he got the shaft. In frustration he tossed the ball into the stands. And apparently hit some guy. Well this guy must be an actor or something because you would have thought he got hit by a bowling ball rather than a basketball. After crying and throwing a tantrum, he wouldn't even shake KG's hand who came over to apologize. What a jerk...Then after all of that he got carted off on a stretcher by a medical team. Give me a break people. It's a ball filled with air, not lead. I hope this guy gets nothing form the Timberwolves. Although these days I am sure he will sue or something stupid and get alot of moaney and season tickets or something.

Chocolate..the cure...

This morning my daughter, Mack, fell in the bathroom, she is only 2 so she falls from time to time trying to do things that she probably shouldn't be doing. Well today she fell and hit her head pretty hard. My wife rushed in to make sure she was OK and Mack's response was "Chocolate will make it feel better!"

Oh to be young again and really think chocolate will make what ails me go away!

That Harp was hot dawg.....

The other night I was watching American Idol and my favorite male performer just finished singing. Randy was talking to him about his impression when he came walking to the elimination room playing the harp......I thought did he jsut say playing the harp? So thanks to the invention of the DVR I was able to rewind it and make sure I heard him correctly. And yup! he said the harp. Now I watch Americn Idol religiously, and I didn't remeber Taylor or any other contestant playing the harp or so I thought. Before ridiculing Randy over his statement I decided to look into it and apparently the Blues Harmonica is also called the Harp. Go figure. I am thinking what an idiot Randy Jackson is and it turns out I am the idiot....not the first tiime this has been pointed out to me.

Friday, February 24, 2006

And the Winner is......

We had the annual chili cookoff today at work. There were 12 different chilis made this year. All of them very good for a change, in years past we have had one or two that were questionable.

There were 3 catagories for the voting; Best overall, Spiciest, Most Unique. In years past I have won the most unique title with my spam chili. But this year I did not make a spam chili, so I was not expecting to win anything.

Here are the results:
1. Most Unique - Jerry with his Greek chili.
2. Spiciest - Scott Painter, his chili was eatable and hot a good combination
3. Best Overall - Yours truely! I named my chili Taylor Hicks (after the American Idol Contestant)

I was very happy with this turn out and won a gift certificate to Sheetz. I am told you can get gas at this place, so I may check it out.

American Idol -- I was robbed

How could America not vote off Wilma Kar? He was horrid! And he will be again next week. I think they should just let me pick the final 12 and save us all some time.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

American Idol -- My prediction for the first 4 voted off.

Here are my predictions for the first 4 contestants that will be voted off of american idol.

Stevie " Opera Singer" Scott
Kinnik "Holy Crap I have a Big Mouth" Sky

Bobby " I really want to be a comedian" Bennett
Kevin "Baby Face" Covais or Willma Kar

Here is my thinking behind the decisions. Stevie in my opinion was just really bad, so she is gone. Kinnik I can not even remember her song. So the perfomance was definitely forgettable. Plus her mouth is too big.

With the guys, Bobby was again just really bad. Then we have Wilma and Baby Face. Even thouhg Paula and Randy seemed to like Baby Face's singing I thought it was horrific. And Wilma, i thought was just so - so... So I think one of those two are gone. I am thinking Wilma.

Diet Update

Well I am now down to 217, that's a loss of 13.5 lbs. I am very happy with my progress. I am even happier that people are starting to notice. The other when I was taking Mack and Jack to daycare one of the mothers, who was sitting in the car next to mine, opened her door and told me that I was looking skinnier. And that she had been talking to some of the ladies at the day care about my wieght loss. It felt good that people actually noticed.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Another one bites the dust.....

Well I lost some weight this week, not as much as I had been hoping, but I lost 1 pound. I am now down to 219.5. That brings my total weight loss for ~1 month to 11 pounds. Slow and steady wins the race...right?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Not sure if it's a good thing........

I took Mack and Jack to see a Karate Class last night in Red Lion, PA. Mack really likes to go and watch classes. Allison brought the kids to see me in class the other night. But last night I took them to see a class just because Mack likes to go watch. When we were leaving she started singing. I could not believe what she was singing though...She kept saying,"my name is...shlim shady...my name is....shlim shady......" It was so cute, but I am not sure if it is a good or bad thing that she kows this song. Then when we got in the car she asked me to put on "The my name is song" . So I did and she started singing along.....the best part is when they say;

"Ahem.. excuse me!
Can I have the attention of the class
For one second?"

She has that part down....spot on.

It's so freaking cute. But is it a good or bad thing that she knows this song? And that it is one of her favorite songs right after "Frosty The Snowman" "The ABC Song" and "It's Raining, It's Pouring".

Thursday, February 09, 2006

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream(on demand)

I am not one to just post links to other sites, but I was reading an article this morning about this product that I think is very cool and people just might like. Check it out: MooBella

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


My son, Jackson, has been under the weather lately. Saturday night we called the doctor and the dr. didn't seem to be alarmed by his situation so we waited til Monday to bring him into see the doctor.

Turns out jack has pneumonia or at least that is what I was told. They gave him a shot of anti-biotics in his little butt, which he didn't like too much, and we were on our way. I was told to keep him hydrated and bring him back today to see how he is doing. So last night he drank 16 oz. of Pedialite, which I thought was good and so did the doctor who called later that evening to check on him.

This mornig he looked alot better. He was able to open his eyes without me soaking them with a warm rag to get to goop off and jsut seemed in better spirits. So I decided lets give him a bottle. Stupid idea, he drank the bottle but it came right back up. All 7 oz. of it! So we went back to the doctor today for his follow up. They agreed he did look better and was more alert. But since he can't seem to keep certain things down they would give him another shot in the butt. This time they gave him a shot in each cheek, boy did he love that! NOT! Also he has a new diagnosis, bronchilitis. This didn't sound any better than the first diagnosis. So I am told if he can keep his anti-biotics down and doesn't have a fever he can go back to day care tomorrow, if not I am supposed to bring him back in. But either way, I need to bring him in for another follow up on Thursday.

I think they just like taking my co-pay and they like jackson so they just want us to keep visiting, but that is just my opinion. Will let you know how he is doing later after his 3rd follow-up.

10 pounds

One of my christmas presents from Allison was a month gift certificate to Karate. I had been wanting to go back for some time, I haven't gone since we got married. I used to go often before that day. I am a Black Belt in Tang Soo Do/Tae Known Do and have been since I was 10 years old. I started karate in 1979 , but haven't been back for 5 years. These were 5 long years or at least it felt like it after the first 2 classes back.

I decided to use this gift as a way to lose weight. I have cut back from about 10 sodas a day to only one, as well as, cut back on sweets. I didn't want it to be a diet I couldn't stick with so I didn't change my eating habits too much. So I went back to karate on January 3rd and decided to weigh myself on 1/12/06, boy was I surprised at how fat I actually was......230.5 lbs. Holy crap, I knew I was fat but I didn't think I was that fat. So I started weighing mysel about once a week sometimes more. I am going to try to keep the blog updated with my results basically so I don't forget my weights. So here are my weigh-ins so far:
1/12/06 - 230.5
1/17/06 - 231.5
1/22/06 - 230.0
1/23/06 - 229.0
1/26/06 - 227.0
1/31/06 - 223.5
2/06/06 - 220.5

So it's been almost a month and I have lost 10 punds. I realize that isn't a bunch, but my goal wasn't to lose 20 pounds in a day. I would like to lose 1-2 pounds a week consistently. I think that i more realistic and doable. So far, so good.

Monday, February 06, 2006


My mother and her husband, Walt, wanted to take me out for crabs for my birthday. They said Kelly's Inn had good crabs, so we went to Kelly's. Along with crabs they also have frog legs. Walt likes frog legs so he ordered some. The wife and I thought we would also try them. They do actually taste a bit like chicken only a little tougher. We told Mackenzie, my 2 yr old daughter, that it was chicken and asked her if she wanted any. Just so you know, my daughter is a very pickey eater and likes very few things. Well she tried the frog legs and liked them very very much...what? Yup she loved them, she ate almost the whole order and when theere was no more she wanted us to order more. My kid is truely vey very weird. What 2 yr old on this earth has frog legs as their favorite food?

Baby Cow

My wife and I have been trying to get Mackenzie, our daughter, to sleep through the night in her own room for quite some time now. She goes in spurts, sometimes she will sleep all night long in her room without getting up once, other times I can hardly even get her to go sit in her bed. However, recently she has been going to bed in her room then around 3:00am she has been getting up and coming in our room. The other night I happened to be up when she did this. I asked her why she came into our room she said she had a baby cow in her room. I was too tired to argue with her, so i let her climb into bed and go to sleep. Then a could of night ago she laid in her room for about 1 hour then came down stairs saying the baby cow was making too much noise and she could not sleep. I told her to wait in our room and I would go in her room and kill the cow so she could sleep again. I went into her room, made some noise and then went back into our room and told her the cow was dead and would not be bothering her anymore. This worked for about a week. This week the baby cow appears to be back......any ideas on how to get rid of imaginery baby cows?