My son, Jackson, has been under the weather lately. Saturday night we called the doctor and the dr. didn't seem to be alarmed by his situation so we waited til Monday to bring him into see the doctor.
Turns out jack has pneumonia or at least that is what I was told. They gave him a shot of anti-biotics in his little butt, which he didn't like too much, and we were on our way. I was told to keep him hydrated and bring him back today to see how he is doing. So last night he drank 16 oz. of Pedialite, which I thought was good and so did the doctor who called later that evening to check on him.
This mornig he looked alot better. He was able to open his eyes without me soaking them with a warm rag to get to goop off and jsut seemed in better spirits. So I decided lets give him a bottle. Stupid idea, he drank the bottle but it came right back up. All 7 oz. of it! So we went back to the doctor today for his follow up. They agreed he did look better and was more alert. But since he can't seem to keep certain things down they would give him another shot in the butt. This time they gave him a shot in each cheek, boy did he love that! NOT! Also he has a new diagnosis,
bronchilitis. This didn't sound any better than the first diagnosis. So I am told if he can keep his anti-biotics down and doesn't have a fever he can go back to day care tomorrow, if not I am supposed to bring him back in. But either way, I need to bring him in for another follow up on Thursday.
I think they just like taking my co-pay and they like jackson so they just want us to keep visiting, but that is just my opinion. Will let you know how he is doing later after his 3rd follow-up.